National Signing Week (Week Ending 22.3.24)

This week we have celebrated National Signing Week. We have focused on the Makaton signs for our topic vocabulary. We have used them when playing games and singing songs. A sign is an action that supports a word.

We have looked at social words such as thank you and goodbye.

We played guess the animal using the sign. The animals we have learnt are dog, pig, horse, cow, sheep, chicken and duck.

We used our signs to sing Old MacDonald had a farm and our song of the week, Chick Chick Chicken.

We have been very proud of the children’s independent skills this week. The have remembered the skills they have learnt before and applied these to paint mixing to create a pig picture.

We have used our knowledge of 2D shapes to create pictures of farm buildings. We thought carefully about which animal could live in our building.

We have played in the sand kitchen making cakes using eggs from our Springbank Farm.

We created our own story maps of Rosie’s Walk drawing pictures of what happened and adding positional words to explain where she is.

Our tadpoles have started to hatch! They have started wiggling about and getting bigger. We can’t wait to see the next stage of their progress.

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